I never thought I blog about football (soccer in states). I really love the athmosphere of big sporting events and other such epic crowd events. As audio wise, a cheering mega crowd with drums and songs are something you cannot audio design in a studio.
But now.. those hundreds of vuvuzelas are ruining everything! Cannot hear the crowd cheering, cannot hear commentator, cannot hear referee whistling – cannot hear nothing but that annoying bee-horn-sound. Constantly. Never ending. Even when national anthems are playing, you cannot hear the music – hundreds of morons are giving a middle finger to everyone. They are like bad little children wanting to annoy the shit out of everyone.
[EDIT: I find it great to watch the games with TV mute on, playing AriTunes Spotify playlists! Click and listen official AriTunes Spotify playlists! 🙂 ]
FIFA, please ban vuvuzelas. I waited four years for these games and now I have to watch these games with muted sound! They say it’s cultural thing to play these 8$ chinese plastic toys – OK – would it be fun if these games would be held in Scotland and they would play bagpipes the same way? No.
[EDIT: Tired of Vuvuzela while watching World Cup? Watch the games on mute, click to listen AriTunes official Spotify playlists! ]
3 Responses to “Vuvuzela is ruining FIFA World Cup 10”
OK, when South Africa is playing, they can play the shit out of vuvuzelas I don’t care. As for other maches, ban it.
Super excited to hear you are coming back for Trine 2. The score of the first game is superb! I am downloading it right now as I write this.
Brant in San Jose, CA
I almost got used to vuvuzelas, it was quite a shock at first. 🙂 Great games! -Ari